Friday, December 31, 2010

Journeyman Warcaster - Cygnar Solo

Cygnar is always on the lookout for new warcaster talent and believes is frontline experience as the best teacher.  Each Journeyman recieves initial training at the Strategic Academy.  Before being granted a commission, they are assigned to an experienced warcaster to complete education.  They fill a vital role in the Cygnar Army, employing their unique skills and arcane magic to field additional warjacks and bolstering their troops survivability. 

At the time my local store was fresh out of the variant and being impatient I picked up the male.  Unlike his female counterpart, the male leaves some to be desired and I really couldn't get into painting him.  One day I will get the female and probably end up stripping this one so I can convert him into a more dynamic pose.  Still, he fills his role on the battlefield admirably. 

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