Monday, December 20, 2010

The Beginning

Greetings to all those who are visiting my blog.  I started this blog to give me a place to display and discuss my long time hobby of war miniature painting.  I have been into miniature painting since 1996, when I discovered a little hobby store ran by a group of long time gamers and I just fell in love with the place.  I had always been into fictional writings, mainly the classics like Lord of the Rings, Dante's Divine Comedy, and the Narnia series.  I had heard of Dungeons and Dragons but had yet to play.  Soon after my discovery of North Shore Games I began playing Classic Dungeons and Dragons.  I had found something that to this day has been a source of hours of enjoyment.  Despite the imagination involved I wanted to be more hands on and soon found Classic Battletech and then Warhammer 40K.  For years I dabbled in painting, for myself and others.  As my skills developed I expanded my interest to other games.

I joined the military after highschool and I took a break to concentrate on my obligations to the nation.  When I found the oppertunity to pick back up the brush I jumped back in full force.  Fate had much greater plans for me and I fell in love with the woman of my dreams, Amy.  She encouraged me when she saw how much I liked painting and is one of my greatest critics and the ones who's opinion I value most.  We were soon proud parents of a little baby boy, Lycan Jude. 

Fairy tales usually have their bad guys, and this one is no different.  A year ago I was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and it was a dark time of uncertainty that hasn't completely passed but is getting better a bit at a time.  It cost me my career in the Navy, and has left me with several undesirable after effects.  With the love of my wife and son I know that I have the most important reasons to push on with my dreams.

About six months ago I grew tired of the constant rules changes around Warhammer 40K and looked into other table top miniature games.  I recalled a RPG game set in the Iron Knigdoms with group of sailors I served with and looked to see if there were miniatures for the line.  Imagine my surprise when I found a full fledged game already developed.  I was instantly hooked as I perused their vast line of high quality miniatures.  I have since been steadily painting several different forces for the Warmachine and Hordes games.  I am active in their forums and have finally decided to take to the Convention scene, my first being in April 2011 at Adepticon.  I will be posting my finished projects here on this page and I really hope to become more entrenched in the Iron Kingdoms universe. 

I hope you all enjoy my blog.  Feedback is always appreciated.

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