Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Defender - Cygnar Heavy Warjack

The Defender Heavy Warjack is the corner stone of my preference for combat.  I play on the defense, and the Defender is master of ranged combat.  I chose Cygnar for that reason, they are always (except for that nasty business with the invasion of Sul) on the defense, struggling to hold onto their kingdom against all other forces.  I really enjoyed building the plastic warjack kit and the lack of a pre-molded cygnus gave me a chance to practice my freehand by painting one on.  As with the Ironclad before I chose a visual pleasing placement for his weapons and he is a struggle to get base to base with due to his massive heavy barrel cannon. Defender 1 of 2, the other is patiently waiting behind a long line of projects sitting on my desk.

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